Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Big Reveal

Who knew that it would be so hard to compose a list of five destinations? Since I last wrote to you about our little experiment, I have been frantically working on my list; adding and removing places in preparation for the deadline this past Wednesday. About an hour before the big reveal, I was still struggling with what to put for my fifth selection. Time was running out.

The plan was to email our Top Five list to each other. At the appointed time, I made a last minute choice for my fifth destination, held my breath, and hit send. KJ’s email arrived moments later. I eagerly opened her email only to find that two of her destinations were the same as mine! We were off to a great start.

So without further ado, here is the final list in alphabetical order:

Croatia (on both lists)
Easter Island
Honduras (on both lists)
St. Petersburg, Russia

Each place on the list is a worthy destination. How were we going to narrow it down to just one? We had some hard choices ahead of us.

Round One

KJ suggested that for this round, we each remove two items from the list. The following items did not make the cut:

Easter Island (on both lists)

Round Two

For the next round, our challenge was to each remove an item. We both chose the following:


Round Three

Here is what our final four looked like:

St. Petersburg, Russia

So far I was happy with the way our list was shaping up. But we had reached the point that because each place was so different, we really needed to fine-tune our requirements of what we wanted to see and do on this trip.

We decided to meet and discuss this very important topic over a few beverages. After debating the merits of each place, the decision suddenly became clear and the perfect destination revealed itself to us.

Drum roll…the winner of the Spring 2011 Glorious Voyage is:


So there you have it, the results from our very scientific travel planning experiment. Thanks to those of you who offered up some fabulous suggestions!

Well, I am off to do some research about Croatia. I will keep you posted on what kind of itinerary we cobble together. Let the fun begin!

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