Sunday, October 17, 2010

London - How Do I Love Thee?

My heart races wildly. The palms of my hands turn cold and clammy and the anticipation makes me feel slightly lightheaded and a little giddy. Okay, very giddy. I must look a sight grinning as if I alone am holding the secret to happiness. And maybe I am. This is how I feel whenever I think of being in London. I can’t help it. I am hopelessly, helplessly, utterly in love.

It wasn’t love at first sight. When I first visited London 14 years ago, at the start of a three year on-again off-again residency in England, I was overwhelmed by the vastness of the city, the bustling crowded streets, and potpourri of architecture lurking around every corner. But after a few months of courtship, these are the very qualities that stole my heart and quite honestly, I haven’t been the same since. The life and energy of this historic, hodgepodge, and chaotic city, beckon to me frequently and I just can’t resist visiting as often as I can.

On each visit, I carve out time to see dear friends, revisit favorite haunts, and have new adventures. And believe me, there are always new adventures to be had. In honor of my annual journey to London this month, I decided to put together a top ten list of things I love to do when visiting London. This was harder to do that than I thought; many gems didn’t make it this round. Perhaps it just means that there will be future love letters to London.

Current favorite things are:

1. Reflecting and pondering life in the garden of St. Dunstan-in-the-East

2. Pub crawl along the South Bank of the Thames from St. Katharine Docks to Gabriel’s Wharf

3. Hummus, Halloumi, and Turkish red wine at Sofra

4. Having a drink and enjoying the views from the National Portrait Gallery Portrait restaurant overlooking the city rooftops

5. Walking from Regent’s Park to Hampstead via Primrose Hill

6. Sitting on a bench, reading the paper, and eating a cheese sandwich in Berkeley Square

7. Stocking up on Sanctuary products at Boots - ahh Mande Lular

8. Sitting on the grass in Hampstead Heath on a sunny day - though any park on a sunny London day is magical

9. Walking and getting lost in neighborhoods while stumbling across new city treasures - usually guided by Hendo’s back of the napkin maps

10. Hours spent in pubs with spectacular friends…you know who you are

I am always on the lookout for new experiences and places to explore in this fantastic city and would love to hear your favorite things to do in London.

Your turn.

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