Sunday, November 7, 2010

Magnificent Seven - Kensal Green Cemetery

Part I of III

In preparation for my recent trip to London, I began researching 19th century cemeteries to explore and I stumbled on the Magnificent Seven. The Magnificent Seven refers to an 1832 bill that Parliament passed encouraging the creation of seven private cemeteries on the outskirts of London to help deal with the population swell and decline. Turns out, I have already been to one of the Magnificent Seven, Highgate Cemetery, which I wrote about in a previous post.

This trip, I explored three more of the Magnificent Seven. Over the next few posts, I will give a snapshot of each one. This week’s cemetery is Kensal Green, the first of London’s garden cemeteries.

Cemetery: Kensal Green (All Souls) Cemetery
Established: 1832
Location: Harrow Road in West London
Size: 75 acres
Architecture: Greek revival


  1. Great post and great photos (esp. the last one). I love cemeteries....

  2. Wait until you see the photos from Abney Park and Brompton cemeteries!
